Helping Darke County Citizens Impacted by Cancer
Donate Financially
You can help support our cause by simply donating through our secure PayPal. Our program requires giving and caring donations like yours to help provide our services.
Donate Helpful Items
Our cause can be helped by more than just donating money, we accept all types of helpful donations from wigs to Ensure, and many things in between.
Volunteer at Fundraisers
We could use your help as we ramp up for our annual fundraisers. Support our cause through the gift of time donated to help bring support and awareness to cancer.
Volunteer to Drive
We have many folks who are in desperate need for others to drive them to appointments and various locations. Care enough to drive. We promise each smile is worth it!

Our facility is conveniently located in the Wayne Cancer Center at 1111 Sweitzer St., Greenville, OH 45331.
If you have any questions or would like to speak with a Cancer Association of Darke County representative regarding our services, please e-mail us at or call us at 937-548-9960.